

You will need a Server to perform well with at least:

  • CPU: 2

  • RAM: 2GB

  • Disk: 10GB

  • Python 3.8+

  • Postgres 12+ or MariaDB 10.4+ or MySQL 8+ or sqlite3 or LDAP


👀 Heads up for modoboa versions 1.15 and later

Python 2 support has been dropped with modoboa version 1.15. If you still have Python 2 installed on your system either uninstall it or force modoboa user to run with Python 3.

If you want to run virus scan on your server you will need 4GB of RAM.

Manual installation

For those who need a manual installation or who just want to setup a specific part, here are the steps you must follow:


Only few commands are needed to add a new extension to your setup.

In case you use a dedicated user and/or a virtualenv, do not forget to use them:

> sudo -u <modoboa_user> -i bash
> source <virtuenv_path>/bin/activate

Then, run the following commands:

> pip install <EXTENSION>==<VERSION>
> cd <modoboa_instance_dir>
> python migrate
> python collectstatic
> python check --deploy

Then, restart your web server.