Moving to Modoboa

You have an existing platform and you’d like to move to Modoboa, the following tools could help you.

From postfixadmin

A dedicated command allows you to convert an existing postfixadmin database to a Modoboa one. Consult the documentation to know more about the process.

Using CSV files

Modoboa allows you to import any object (domain, domain alias, mailbox and alias) using a simple CSV file encoded using UTF8. Each line corresponds to a single object and must respect one of the following format:

domain; <name: string>; <quota: integer>; <default mailbox quota: integer>; <enabled: boolean>
domainalias; <name: string>; <targeted domain: string>; <enabled: boolean>
relaydomain; <name: string>; <target host: string>; <target port: integer>; <service: string>; <enabled: boolean>; <verify recipients: boolean>
account; <loginname: string>; <password: string>; <first name: string>; <last name: string>; <enabled: boolean>; <group: string>; <address: string>; <quota: integer>; [<domain: string>, ...]
alias; <address: string>; <enabled: boolean>; <recipient: string>; ...

Boolean fields accept the following values: true, 1, yes, y (case insensitive). Any other value will be evaluated as false.


The order does matter. Objects are created sequencially so a domain must be created before its mailboxes and aliases and a mailbox must created before its alias(es).

To actually import such a file:

> sudo -u <modoboa_user> -i bash
> source <virtualenv_path>/bin/activate
> cd <modoboa_instance_dir>
> python modo import <your file>

Available options can be listed using the following command:

> python modo import -h