


The new version you are going to install may need to modify your database. Before you start, make sure to backup everything!

Most of the time, upgrading your installation to a newer Modoboa version only requires a few actions. In every case, you will need to apply the general procedure first and then check if the version you are installing requires specific actions.

In case you use a dedicated user and/or a virtualenv, do not forget to use them:

> sudo -i <modoboa_user>
> source <virtuenv_path>/bin/activate

Then, run the following commands:

> pip install modoboa==<VERSION>
> cd <modoboa_instance_dir>
> python manage.py migrate
> python manage.py collectstatic

Once done, check if the version you are installing requires Specific instructions.

Finally, restart your web server.

Sometimes, you might need to upgrade postfix map files too. To do so, just run the generate_postfix_maps command on the same directory than the one used for installation (/etc/postfix by default).

Make sure to use root privileges and run the following command:

> python manage.py generate_postfix_maps --destdir <directory>

Then, reload postfix.


If a new version is available for an extension you’re using, it is recommanded to install it. Upgrading an extensions is pretty and the procedure is almost the same than the one used for Modoboa.

In case you use a dedicated user and/or a virtualenv, do not forget to use them:

> sudo -i <modoboa_user>
> source <virtuenv_path>/bin/activate

Then, run the following commands:

> pip install <EXTENSION>==<VERSION>
> cd <modoboa_instance_dir>
> python manage.py migrate
> python manage.py collectstatic

Finally, restart your web server.

It is a generic upgrade procedure which will be enough most of the time but it is generally a good idea to check the associated documentation.

Specific instructions


First of all, update postfix map files as follows:

> python manage.py generate_postfix_maps --destdir <path> --force-overwrite

Then, modify postfix’s configuration as follows:

smtpd_sender_login_maps =

Replace <driver> and <path> by your values.

Finally, reload postfix.

This release also deprecates some internal functions. As a result, several extensions has been updated to maintain the compatibility. If you enabled the notification service, you’ll find the list of available updates directly in your Modoboa console.

For the others, here is the list:

Name Version
modoboa-amavis 1.0.10
modoboa-postfix-autoreply 1.1.7
modoboa-radicale 1.0.5
modoboa-stats 1.0.9

Command line shortcut:

$ pip install modoboa-amavis==1.0.10
$ pip install modoboa-postfix-autoreply==1.1.7
$ pip install modoboa-radicale==1.0.5
$ pip install modoboa-stats==1.0.9


An interesting feature brougth by this version is the capability to make different checks about MX records. For example, Modoboa can query main DNSBL providers for every defined domain. With this, you will quickly know if one the domains you manage is listed or not. To activate it, add the following line to your crontab:

*/30 * * * * <optional_virtualenv_path/>python <modoboa_instance_dir>/manage.py modo check_mx

The communication with Modoboa public API has been reworked. Instead of sending direct synchronous queries (for example to check new versions), a cron job has been added. To activate it, add the following line to your crontab:

0 * * * * <optional_virtualenv_path/>python <modoboa_instance_dir>/manage.py communicate_with_public_api

Please also note that public API now uses TLS so you must update your configuration as follows:

MODOBOA_API_URL = 'https://api.modoboa.org/1/'

Finally, it is now possible to declare additional sender addresses on a per-account basis. You need to update your postfix configuration in order to use this functionality. Just edit the main.cf file and change the following parameter:

smtpd_sender_login_maps =


The API has been greatly improved and a documentation is now available. To enable it, add 'rest_framework_swagger' to the INSTALLED_APPS variable in settings.py as follows:


Then, add the following content into settings.py, just after the REST_FRAMEWORK variable:

    "is_authenticated": False,
    "api_version": "1.0",
    "exclude_namespaces": [],
    "info": {
        "contact": "contact@modoboa.com",
        "description": ("Modoboa API, requires a valid token."),
        "title": "Modoboa API",

You’re done. The documentation is now available at the following address:

http://<your instance address>/docs/api/

Finally, if you find a TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS variable in your settings.py file, make sure it looks like this:




Please make sure to use Modoboa 1.3.5 with an up-to-date database before an upgrade to 1.4.0.


Do not follow the regular upgrade procedure for this version.

Some extension have been moved back into the main repository. The main reason for that is that using Modoboa without them doesn’t make sense.

First of all, you must rename the following applications listed inside the MODOBOA_APPS variable:

Old name New name
modoboa_admin modoboa.admin
modoboa_admin_limits modoboa.limits
modoboa_admin_relaydomains modoboa.relaydomains

Then, apply the following steps:

  1. Uninstall old extensions:

    $ pip uninstall modoboa-admin modoboa-admin-limits modoboa-admin-relaydomains
  2. Install all extension updates using pip (check the Modoboa > Information page)

  3. Manually migrate database:

    $ cd <instance_dir>
    $ python manage.py migrate auth
    $ python manage.py migrate admin 0001 --fake
    $ python manage.py migrate admin
    $ python manage.py migrate limits 0001 --fake
    $ python manage.py migrate relaydomains 0001 --fake
    $ python manage.py migrate
  4. Finally, update static files:

    $ python manage.py collectstatic

This version also introduces a REST API. To enable it:

  1. Add 'rest_framework.authtoken' to the INSTALLED_APPS variable

  2. Add the following configuration inside settings.py:

    # Rest framework settings
  3. Run the following command:

    $ python manage.py migrate


To enhance security, Modoboa now checks the strength of user passwords <https://github.com/dstufft/django-passwords>_.

To use this feature, add the following configuration into the settings.py file:

# django-passwords


    "UPPER": 1,
    "LOWER": 1,
    "DIGITS": 1


Modoboa now uses the atomic requests mode to preserve database consistency (reference).

To enable it, update the DATABASES variable in settings.py as follows:

    "default": {
        # stuff before...
        "ATOMIC_REQUESTS": True
    "amavis": {
        # stuff before...
        "ATOMIC_REQUESTS": True


This release does not bring awesome new features but it is a necessary bridge to the future of Modoboa. All extensions now have their own git repository and the deploy process has been updated to reflect this change.

Another important update is the use of Django 1.7. Besides its new features, the migration system has been reworked and is now more robust than before.

Before we begin with the procedure, here is a table showing old extension names and their new name:

Old name New package name New module name
modoboa.extensions.admin modoboa-admin modoboa_admin
modoboa.extensions.limits modoboa-admin-limits modoboa_admin_limits
modoboa.extensions.postfix_autoreply modoboa-postfix-autoreply modoboa_postfix_autoreply
modoboa.extensions.postfix_relay_domains modoboa-admin-relaydomains modoboa_admin_relaydomains
modoboa.extensions.radicale modoboa-radicale modoboa_radicale
modoboa.extensions.sievefilters modoboa-sievefilters modoboa_sievefilters
modoboa.extensions.stats modoboa-stats modoboa_stats
modoboa.extensions.webmail modoboa-webmail modoboa_webmail

Here are the required steps:

  1. Install the extensions using pip (look at the second column in the table above):

    $ pip install <the extensions you want>
  2. Remove south from INSTALLED_APPS

  3. Rename old extension names inside MODOBOA_APPS (look at the third column in the table above)

  4. Remove modoboa.lib.middleware.ExtControlMiddleware from MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES

  5. Change DATABASE_ROUTERS to:

    DATABASE_ROUTERS = ["modoboa_amavis.dbrouter.AmavisRouter"]
  6. Run the following commands:

    $ cd <modoboa_instance_dir>
    $ python manage.py migrate
  7. Reply yes to the question

  8. Run the following commands:

    $ python manage.py load_initial_data
    $ python manage.py collectstatic
  9. The cleanup job has been renamed in Django, so you have to modify your crontab entry:

    - 0 0 * * * <modoboa_site>/manage.py cleanup
    • 0 0 * * * <modoboa_site>/manage.py clearsessions


A new notification service let administrators know about new Modoboa versions. To activate it, you need to update the TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS variable like this:

from django.conf import global_settings


and to define the new MODOBOA_API_URL variable:

MODOBOA_API_URL = 'http://api.modoboa.org/1/'

The location of external static files has changed. To use them, add a new path to the STATICFILES_DIRS:

# Additional locations of static files
  # Put strings here, like "/home/html/static" or "C:/www/django/static".
  # Always use forward slashes, even on Windows.
  # Don't forget to use absolute paths, not relative paths.

Run the following commands to define the hostname of your instance:

$ cd <modoboa_instance_dir>
$ python manage.py set_default_site <hostname>

If you plan to use the Radicale extension:

  1. Add 'modoboa.extensions.radicale' to the MODOBOA_APPS variable

  2. Run the following commands:

    $ cd <modoboa_instance_dir>
    $ python manage.py syncdb


You also have to note that the sitestatic directory has moved from <path to your site's dir> to <modoboa's root url> (it’s probably the parent directory). You have to adapt your web server configuration to reflect this change.