############# Using plugins ############# ************************** Enable or disable a plugin ************************** Modoboa provides an online panel to control plugins activation. You will find it at *Modoboa > Extensions*. To activate a plugin, check the corresponding box and click on the *Apply* button. To deactivate a plugin, uncheck the corresponding box and click on the *Apply* button. **************** Per-admin limits **************** This plugin offers a way to define limits about how many objects (aliases, mailboxes) a domain administrator can create. It also brings a new administrative role: ``Reseller``. A reseller is a domain administrator that can also manipulate domains and assign permissions to domain administrators. If you don't want to limit a particular object type, just set the associated value to -1. Default limits applied to new administrators can be changed through the *Modoboa > Parameters > Limits* page. .. _amavis_frontend: ******************** Amavisd-new frontend ******************** This plugin provides a simple management frontend for `amavisd-new `_. The supported features are: * SQL quarantine management : available to administrators or users, possibility to delete or release messages * Per domain customization (using policies): specify how amavisd-new will handle traffic .. note:: The per-domain policies feature only works for new installations. Currently, you can't use modoboa with an existing database (ie. with data in *users* and *policies* tables). .. note:: This plugin requires *amavisd-new* version **2.7.0** or higher. If you're planning to use the :ref:`selfservice`, you'll need version **2.8.0**. Database ======== You must tell to Modoboa where it can find the amavis database. Inside *settings.py*, add a new connection to the ``DATABASES`` variable like this:: DATABASES = { # Stuff before # "amavis": { "ENGINE" : "", "HOST" : "", "NAME" : "", "USER" : "", "PASSWORD" : "" } } Replace values between ``<>`` with yours. .. note:: Modoboa doesn't create *amavis* tables. You need to install them following the `official documentation `_. Cleanup ------- Storing quarantined messages to a database can quickly become a perfomance killer. Modoboa provides a simple script to periodically purge the quarantine database. To use it, add the following line inside root's crontab:: 0 0 * * * /manage.py qcleanup Replace ``modoboa_site`` with the path of your Modoboa instance. By default, messages older than 14 days are automatically purged. You can modify this value by changing the ``MAX_MESSAGES_AGE`` parameter in the online panel. Release messages ================ To release messages, first take a look at `this page `_. It explains how to configure *amavisd-new* to listen somewhere for the AM.PDP protocol. This protocol is used to send requests. Below is an example of a working configuration:: $interface_policy{'SOCK'} = 'AM.PDP-SOCK'; $interface_policy{'9998'} = 'AM.PDP-INET'; $policy_bank{'AM.PDP-SOCK'} = { protocol => 'AM.PDP', auth_required_release => 0, }; $policy_bank{'AM.PDP-INET'} = { protocol => 'AM.PDP', inet_acl => [qw( [::1] )], }; Don't forget to update the ``inet_acl`` list if you plan to release from the network. Once *amavisd-new* is configured, just tell Modoboa where it can find the *release server* by modifying the following parameters in the online panel: +--------------------+--------------------+------------------------+ |Name |Description |Default value | +====================+====================+========================+ |Amavis connection |Mode used to access |unix | |mode |the PDP server | | +--------------------+--------------------+------------------------+ |PDP server address |PDP server address |localhost | | |(if inet mode) | | +--------------------+--------------------+------------------------+ |PDP server port |PDP server port (if | | | |inet mode) 9998 | | +--------------------+--------------------+------------------------+ |PDP server socket |Path to the PDP |/var/amavis/amavisd.sock| | |server socket (if | | | |unix mode) | | +--------------------+--------------------+------------------------+ Deferred release ---------------- By default, simple users are not allowed to release messages themselves. They are only allowed to send release requests to administrators. As administrators are not always available or logged into Modoboa, a notification tool is available. It sends reminder e-mails to every administrators or domain administrators. To use it, add the following example line to root's crontab:: 0 12 * * * /manage.py amnotify --baseurl='' You are free to change the frequency. .. note:: If you want to let users release their messages alone (not recommended), go to the admin panel. The following parameters are available to let you customize this feature: +--------------------+--------------------+------------------------+ |Name |Description |Default value | +====================+====================+========================+ |Check requests |Interval between two|30 | |interval |release requests | | | |checks | | +--------------------+--------------------+------------------------+ |Allow direct release|Allow users to |no | | |directly release | | | |their messages | | +--------------------+--------------------+------------------------+ |Notifications sender|The e-mail address |notification@modoboa.org| | |used to send | | | |notitications | | +--------------------+--------------------+------------------------+ .. _selfservice: Self-service mode ================= The *self-service* mode let users act on quarantined messages without beeing authenticated. They can: * View messages * Remove messages * Release messages (or send release requests) To access a specific message, they only need the following information: * Message's unique identifier * Message's secret identifier This information is controlled by *amavis*, which is in charge of notifying users when new messages are put into quarantine. Each notification (one per message) must embark a direct link containing the required identifiers. To activate this feature, go the administration panel and set the **Enable self-service mode** parameter to yes. The last step is to customize the notification messages *amavis* sends. The most important is to embark a direct link. Take a look at the `README.customize `_ file to learn what you're allowed to do. Here is a link example:: http:///quarantine/%i/?rcpt=%R&secret_id=[:secret_id] .. _stats: ******************** Graphical statistics ******************** This plugin collects various statistics about emails traffic on your server. It parses a log file to collect information, store it into RRD files (see `rrdtool `_)and then generates graphics in PNG format. To use it, go to the online parameters panel and adapt the following ones to your environnement: +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------------+ |Name |Description |Default value | +====================+====================+==========================+ |Path to the log file|Path to log file |/var/log/mail.log | | |used to collect | | | |statistics | | +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------------+ |Directory to store |Path to directory |/tmp/modoboa | |RRD files |where RRD files are | | | |stored | | +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------------+ |Directory to store |Path to directory |/media/stats| |PNG files |where PNG files are | | | |stored | | +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------------+ Make sure the directory that will contain RRD files exists. If not, create it before going further. For example (according to the previous parameters):: $ mkdir /tmp/modoboa To finish, you need to collect information periodically in order to feed the RRD files. Add the following line into root's crontab:: */5 * * * * /manage.py logparser &> /dev/null Replace ```` with the path of your Modoboa instance. Graphics will be automatically created after each parsing. .. _postfix_ar: *************************** Postifx auto-reply messages *************************** This plugin let users define an auto-reply message (*vacation*). It is based on *postfix* capabilities. The user that executes the autoreply script needs to access *settings.py*. You must apply proper permissions on this file. For example, if *settings.py* belongs to *www-data:www-data*, you can add the *vmail* user to the *www-data* group and set the read permission for the group. To make *postfix* use this feature, you need to update your configuration files as follows: ``/etc/postfix/main.cf``:: transport_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/maps/sql-transport.cf virtual_alias_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/maps/sql-aliases.cf mysql:/etc/postfix/mapfiles/sql-domain-aliases-mailboxes.cf, mysql:/etc/postfix/mapfiles/sql-email2email.cf, mysql:/etc/postfix/maps/sql-autoreplies.cf, mysql:/etc/postfix/mapfiles/sql-catchall-aliases.cf .. note:: The order used to define alias maps is important, please respect it ``/etc/postfix/master.cf``:: autoreply unix - n n - - pipe flags= user=vmail: argv=/manage.py autoreply $sender $mailbox ```` is the path of your Modoboa instance. Then, create the requested map files:: $ modoboa-admin.py postfix_maps mapfiles --categories autoreply `mapfiles` is the directory where the files will be stored. Answer the few questions and you're done. .. note:: Auto-reply messages are just sent one time per sender for a pre-defined time period. By default, this period is equal to 1 day (86400s), you can adjust this value by modifying the **Automatic reply timeout** parameter available in the online panel. ************* Sieve filters ************* This plugin let users create server-side message filters, using the `sievelib module `_ (which provides Sieve and ManageSieve clients). Two working modes are available: * A raw mode: you create filters using the Sieve language directly (advanced users) * An assisted mode: you create filters using an intuitive form To use this plugin, your hosting setup must include a *ManageSieve* server and your local delivery agent must understand the *Sieve* language. Don't panic, *Dovecot* supports both :-) (refer to :ref:`dovecot` to know how to enable those features). .. note:: The sieve filters plugin requires that the :ref:`webmail` plugin is activated and configured. Go the online panel and modify the following parameters in order to communicate with the *ManageSieve* server: +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ |Name |Description |Default value | +====================+====================+====================+ |Server address |Address of your | | | |MANAGESIEVE server | | +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ |Server port |Listening port of |4190 | | |your MANAGESIEVE | | | |server | | +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ |Connect using |Use the STARTTLS |no | |STARTTLS |extension | | +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ |Authentication |Prefered |auto | |mechanism |authentication | | | |mechanism | | +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ .. _webmail: ******* Webmail ******* Modoboa provides a simple webmail: * Browse, read and compose messages, attachments are supported * HTML messages are supported * `CKeditor `_ integration * Manipulate mailboxes (create, move, remove) * Quota display To use it, go to the online panel and modify the following parameters to communicate with your *IMAP* server (under *IMAP settings*): +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ |Name |Description |Default value | +====================+====================+====================+ |Server address |Address of your IMAP| | | |server | | +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ |Use a secured |Use a secured |no | |connection |connection to access| | | |IMAP server | | +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ |Server port |Listening port of |143 | | |your IMAP server | | +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ Do the same to communicate with your SMTP server (under *SMTP settings*): +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ |Name |Description |Default value | +====================+====================+====================+ |Server address |Address of your SMTP| | | |server | | +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ |Secured connection |Use a secured |None | |mode |connection to access| | | |SMTP server | | +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ |Server port |Listening port of |25 | | |your SMTP server | | +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ |Authentication |Server needs |no | |required |authentication | | +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ .. note:: The size of each attachment sent with messages is limited. You can change the default value by modifying the **Maximum attachment size** parameter. Using CKeditor ============== Modoboa supports CKeditor to compose HTML messages. To use it, first download it from `the official website `_, then extract the tarball:: $ cd $ tar xzf /path/to/ckeditor/tarball.tag.gz -C sitestatic/js/ And you're done! Now, each user has the possibility to choose between CKeditor and the raw text editor to compose their messages. (see *User > Settings > Preferences > Webmail*)