.. _webservers: ########### Web servers ########### .. _apache2: ******* Apache2 ******* mod_wgsi ======== First, make sure that *mod_wsgi* is installed on your server. Create a new virtualhost in your Apache configuration and put the following content inside:: ServerName DocumentRoot Alias /media/ /media/ /media> Order deny,allow Allow from all Alias /sitestatic/ /sitestatic/ /sitestatic> Order deny,allow Allow from all WSGIScriptAlias / /wsgi.py This is just one possible configuration. .. note:: *Django* 1.3 users, please consult this `page `_, it contains an example *wsgi.py* file. .. note:: You will certainly need more configuration in order to launch Apache. mod_python ========== First, make sure that *mod_python* is installed on your server. Create a new virtualhost in your Apache configuration and put the following content inside:: ServerName DocumentRoot SetHandler mod_python PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython PythonPath "[''] + sys.path" SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings Alias "/sitestatic" "/sitestatic" SetHandler None Alias "/media" "/media" SetHandler None This is just one possible configuration. .. note:: You will certainly need more configuration in order to launch Apache. .. _nginx-label: ***** Nginx ***** `Nginx `_ is a really fast HTTP server. Associated with `Green Unicorn `_, it gives you one of the best setup to serve python/Django applications. Modoboa's performances are really good with this configuration. To use this setup, first download and install those softwares (`Install gunicorn `_ and `install nginx `_). Then, use the following sample *gunicorn* configuration (create a new file named *gunicorn.conf.py* inside Modoboa's root dir):: backlog = 2048 bind = "unix:/var/run/gunicorn/modoboa.sock" pidfile = "/var/run/gunicorn/modoboa.pid" daemon = True debug = False workers = 2 logfile = "/var/log/gunicorn/modoboa.log" loglevel = "info" To start gunicorn, execute the following commands:: $ cd $ gunicorn_django -c gunicorn.conf.py Now the *nginx* part. Just create a new virtual host and use the following configuration:: upstream modoboa { server unix:/var/run/gunicorn/modoboa.sock fail_timeout=0; } server { listen 443; server_name ; root ; access_log /var/log/nginx/.access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/.error.log; location /sitestatic/ { autoindex on; } location /media/ { autoindex on; } location / { proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_redirect off; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Protocol ssl; proxy_pass http://modoboa; } } Paste this content to your configuration (replace values between ``<>`` with yours), restart *nginx* and enjoy a really fast application!