################################## Upgrading an existing installation ################################## This section contains all the upgrade procedures required to use newest versions of Modoboa. .. note:: Before running a migration, we recommend that you make a copy of your existing database. .. _latestversion: ************** Latest version ************** Starting with version 0.9.1, Modoboa comes as a standard django application. Fetch the latest version (see :ref:`get_modoboa`) and install it. ``pip`` users, just run the following command:: $ pip install --upgrade modoboa Then, follow the common procedure:: $ cd $ python manage.py syncdb --migrate $ python manage.py collectstatic Finally, refer to this page to check if the version you're installing requires specific operations. If the version you're looking for is not present, it means nothing special is required. 0.9.4: administrative panel performance improved ================================================ #. Edit the *settings.py* file and remove ``'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend'`` from the ``AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS`` variable 0.9.1: standard django application and more =========================================== For this version, we recommend to install a new instance (see :ref:`deployment`) in a different directory. Then, copy the following content from the old installation to the new one: * The ``media`` directory * The directory containing RRD files if you use the :ref:`stats` plugin Don't copy the old *settings.py* file, just keep the new one and modify it (see :ref:`database` and :ref:`timezone_lang`). Migrate your database (see :ref:`latestversion`). Finally, check the :ref:`amavis_frontend`, :ref:`postfix_ar` and :ref:`stats` chapters (depending on those you use) because the provided cron scripts have been changed, you must update the way you call them. ********************* Modoboa 0.9 and prior ********************* First, decompress the new tarball at the same location than your current installation. Then, check if the new version you're installing requires a migration. 0.9: global UI refactoring, new *limits* extension and more =========================================================== .. note:: This version requires at least django 1.3. Make sure to update your version before starting to migrate. .. note:: Many files have been renamed/removed for this version. I recommend that you backup important files (*settings.py*, etc.) elsewhere (ie. */tmp* for example). Then, remove the *modoboa* directory, extract the new tarball at the same place, rename the new directory to *modoboa* and copy the files you've just backup into it. .. note:: If the first super administrator you created is named ``admin``, its password will be changed to ``password`` at the end of this upgrade. Don't forget to modify it! #. Edit the *settings.py* file and update the following variables (just copy/paste their new content):: MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware', 'modoboa.lib.middleware.AjaxLoginRedirect', 'modoboa.lib.middleware.CommonExceptionCatcher', 'modoboa.lib.middleware.ExtControlMiddleware', ) AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'modoboa.lib.authbackends.SimpleBackend', 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', ) #. Add ``django.contrib.staticfiles`` to ``INSTALLED_APPS`` #. Add the following new variables:: STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(MODOBOA_DIR, 'sitestatic') STATIC_URL = '/sitestatic/' #. Update the following variables (just copy/paste their new values):: MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(MODOBOA_DIR, 'media') MEDIA_URL = '/media/' #. **For MySQL users only**, add the following option to your database configuration:: DATABASES = { "default" : { # ... # MySQL users only "OPTIONS" : { "init_command" : "SET foreign_key_checks = 0;", }, } } #. Add ``'modoboa.extensions.limits'`` to ``INSTALLED_APPS`` #. Update your database (make sure to create a backup before launching the following command):: $ ./manage.py syncdb --migrate #. Run the following command to initialize the directory that contains static files:: $ ./manage.py collectstatic #. If you are using the *stats* extension, please rename the */static/stats* directory to */media/stats* and change the value of the ``IMG_ROOTDIR`` parameter (go to the adminstration panel) #. Restart the python instance(s) that serve *Modoboa* #. Log into Modoboa, go to *Modoboa > Extensions*, uncheck all extensions, save. Then, check the extensions you want to use and save again #. Update your webserver configuration to make static files available (see :ref:`webservers`) #. **For Dovecot users only**, you need to modify the ``password_query`` (file */etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf* by default on a Debian system) like this:: password_query = SELECT email AS user, password FROM auth_user WHERE email='%u' 0.8.8: CSV import feature and minor fixes ========================================= #. Edit the *settings.py* file and add ``'modoboa.lib.middleware.AjaxLoginRedirect'`` to the ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` variable like this:: MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware', 'modoboa.lib.middleware.AjaxLoginRedirect', 'modoboa.lib.middleware.ExtControlMiddleware', 'modoboa.extensions.webmail.middleware.WebmailErrorMiddleware', ) #. Still inside *settings.py*, modify the ``DATABASE_ROUTERS`` variable like this:: DATABASE_ROUTERS = ["modoboa.extensions.amavis_quarantine.dbrouter.AmavisRouter"] 0.8.7: per-user language selection ================================== #. Edit the *settings.py* file and add the ``'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware'`` middleware to the ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` variable like this:: MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware', 'modoboa.lib.middleware.ExtControlMiddleware', 'modoboa.extensions.webmail.middleware.WebmailErrorMiddleware', ) #. To select a custom language, go to *Options > Preferences* and select the ``general`` section. Choose a value, save and disconnect from Modoboa. On the next login, the desired language will be used. maintenance release ============================ #. If you have tried to create a new mailbox and if you have encountered the following `issue `_, you must run the ``dbcleanup.py`` script in order to remove orphan records:: $ cd $ PYTHONPATH=$PWD/.. DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=modoboa.settings ./admin/scripts/dbcleanup.py 0.8.6: Quarantine plugin refactoring (using Django's ORM) ========================================================= #. Just update your configuration if you are using the quarantine plugin. Open *settings.py*, move the database configuration from the ``DB_CONNECTIONS`` variable to the ``DATABASES`` variable, like this:: DATABASES = { "default" : { # The default database configuration }, # ... "amavis": { "ENGINE" : "", "HOST" : "", "NAME" : "", "USER" : "", "PASSWORD" : "" } } #. Add the new following variable somewhere in the file:: DATABASE_ROUTERS = ["modoboa.extensions.amavis_quarantine.dbrouter.AmavisRouter"] #. Remove the deprecated ``DB_CONNECTIONS`` variable from *settings.py*. 0.8.5: new "Sieve filters" plugin, improved admin app ===================================================== #. Migrate the ``lib`` and ``admin`` applications:: $ python manage.py migrate lib $ python manage.py migrate admin #. Add ``modoboa.auth`` and ``modoboa.extensions.sievefilters`` to the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` variable in *settings.py*. #. Go the *Settings/Extensions* panel, deactivate and activate your extensions, it will update all the symbolic links. 0.8.4: folders manipulation support (webmail) and bugfixes ========================================================== #. Update the ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` variable in *settings.py*:: MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'modoboa.lib.middleware.ExtControlMiddleware', 'modoboa.extensions.webmail.middleware.WebmailErrorMiddleware', ) #. Go the *Settings/Extensions* panel, deactivate and activate your extensions, it will update all the symbolic links to the new format. #. Optional: update the ``DATABASES`` and ``TEMPLATE_LOADERS`` variables in *settings.py* to remove warning messages (appearing with Django 1.3):: DATABASES = { "default" : { "ENGINE" : "", "NAME" : "modoboa", "USER" : "", "PASSWORD" : "", "HOST" : "", "PORT" : "" } } TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ( 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader', 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader', ) 0.8.3: admin application refactoring and more ============================================= #. Migrate the *admin* application:: $ python manage.py migrate admin #. Update SQL queries used in your environnement (see :ref:`postfix` or :ref:`dovecot`). #. Update *postfix* configuration so that it can handle domain aliases (see :ref:`postfix`). 0.8.2: ckeditor integration and more ==================================== #. Migrate the admin applicaton:: $ python manage.py migrate admin #. Update your config file and add all extensions to ``INSTALLED_APPS`` (even those you are not going to use). #. Inside the */templates/* directory, remove all symbolic links. #. Download the latest release of ckeditor and extract it into */static/js/*. It should create a new directory named *ckeditor*. #. Update the following variables inside *settings.py*:: MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(MODOBOA_DIR, 'static') MEDIA_URL = '/static/' #. Then, add the following variable: ``MODOBOA_WEBPATH = 'modoboa/'`` #. Delete the following variables: ``STATIC_ROOTDIR`` and ``TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS``. #. Finally, add ``modoboa.lib.middleware.ExtControlMiddleware`` to ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES``. 0.8.1 : project renamed ======================= #. First, rename the *mailng* directory to *modoboa* and copy all the content from *modoboa-0.8.1* to *modoboa*. #. Edit *settings.py* and replace all occurences of mailng by modoboa. Make sure you don't modify the ``DATABASE`` section as you're not going to rename your database. #. Rename the ``MAILNG_DIR`` variable to ``MODOBOA_DIR``. #. Add ``'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware'`` to ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` and ``'django.contrib.messages'`` to ``INSTALLED_APPS``. Save your modifications. #. Run the following command:: $ python manage.py syncdb #. For all activated extensions, run the following command:: $ export PYTHONPATH=/..= $ DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=modoboa.settings /scripts/extension.py on #. Update your webserver configuration and restart it. 0.8 : SQL migration needed ========================== Before you start the migration, make sure you have updated your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` variable and that it contains at least:: INSTALLED_APPS = ( # Django's stuff before 'south', 'mailng', 'mailng.lib', 'mailng.admin', 'mailng.userprefs', ) Starting with 0.8, mailng.main doesn't exist anymore. You must remove it from your ``INSTALLED_APPS``. Finally, run the following commands:: $ python manage.py syncdb $ python manage.py convert_to_south $ python manage.py migrate --all 0001 --fake $ python manage.py migrate --all 0002