Using the virtual machine ************************* Introduction ============ A virtual machine with a ready-to-use *Modoboa* setup is available `here `_. It is composed of the following components: * Debian 6.0 (squeeze) * Modoboa and its prerequisites * MySQL * Postfix * Dovecot * nginx and gunicorn Actually, it is the result you obtain if you follow the official documentation. The disk image is using the `VMDK `_ format and is compressed using bzip2. To decompress it, just run the following command:: $ bunzip2 modoboa.vmdk.bz2 If you can't use the vmdk format, you can use `qemu `_ to convert it to another one. For example:: $ qemu-img convert modoboa.vmdk -O qcow2 modoboa.qcow2 Then, just use your prefered virtualization software (qemu, kvm, virtualbox, etc.) to start the machine. You'll need to configure at least one bridged network interface if you want to be able to play with *Modoboa*, ie. your machine must be visible from your network. The default network interface of the machine (``eth0``) is configured to use the DHCP protocol. Connect to the machine ====================== The following UNIX users are available if you want to connect to the system: ===== ======== ==================== Login Password Description ===== ======== ==================== root demo the root user demo demo an unpriviliged user ===== ======== ==================== To connect to *Modoboa*, first connect to the system and retrieve its current network address like this:: $ /sbin/ifconfig eth0 Once you know its address, open a web browser and go to this url:: http:///admin/ You should see the login page. Here are the users available by default: ================ ======== ============================================ Login Password Capabitilies ================ ======== ============================================ admin password Default super administrator. Can do anything on the admin but can't access applications admin@demo.local admin Administrator of the domain *demo.local*. Can administrater its domain and access to applications. user@demo.local user Simple user. Can access to applications. ================ ======== ============================================