############################# Migrating from other software ############################# ************ PostfixAdmin ************ Since version 0.8.5, Modoboa provides a simple script to migrate an existing `PostfixAdmin (version 2.3.3+) `_ database to a Modoboa one. .. note:: This script is only suitable for a new installation. First, you must follow the :ref:`installation` step to create a fresh Modoboa database. Once done, edit the *setting.py* file. First, add a new database connection named ``pfxadmin`` into the ``DATABASES`` variable corresponding to your PostfixAdmin setup:: DATABASES = { "default" : { # default connection definition }, "pfxadmin" : { "ENGINE" : "", "NAME" : "", "USER" : "", "PASSWORD" : "", } } This connection should correspond to the one defined in PostfixAdmin's configuration file. You are now ready to start the migration. Enter Modoboa's root directory and execute the following command:: $ PYTHONPATH=$PWD/.. DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=modoboa.settings \ ./tools/pfxadmin_migrate/migrate.py -r -p Depending on how many domains/mailboxes your existing setup contains, the migration can be long. Just wait for the script's ending. Once the migration has succeed, go the *Admin > Configuration* panel, click on the *admin* row and modify the value of ``MAILDIR_ROOT`` as follow:: MAILDIR_ROOT = The corresponding field must be empty. Don't touch other fields except ``PASSWORD_SCHEME``, if needed. (set it to the same method as the one used by PostfixAdmin, check its configuration file if you're not sure) Click on the *Save* button. The procedure is over, edit the *settings.py* file and: * remove the ``pfxadmin`` database connection from the ``DATABASES`` variable * remove the ``'modoboa.tools.pfxadmin_migrate',`` from the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` variable You should be able to connect to Modoboa using the same credentials you were using to connect to PostfixAdmin.