Postifx auto-reply messagesΒΆ

This plugin let users define an auto-reply message (vacation). It is based on Postfix capabilities.

The user that executes the autoreply script needs to access You must apply proper permissions on this file. For example, if belongs to www-data:www-data, you can add the vmail user to the www-data group and set the read permission for the group.

To make Postfix use this feature, you need to update your configuration files as follows:


transport_maps = <driver>:/etc/postfix/
virtual_alias_maps = <driver>:/etc/postfix/


The order used to define alias maps is important, please respect it


autoreply unix        -       n       n       -       -       pipe
          flags= user=vmail:<group> argv=python <modoboa_site>/ autoreply $sender $mailbox

Replace <driver> by the name of the database you use. <modoboa_site> is the path of your Modoboa instance.

Then, create the requested map files:

$ postfix_maps mapfiles --categories autoreply

mapfiles is the directory where the files will be stored. Answer the few questions and you’re done.


Auto-reply messages are just sent one time per sender for a pre-defined time period. By default, this period is equal to 1 day (86400s), you can adjust this value by modifying the Automatic reply timeout parameter available in the online panel.