Available events


Modoboa provides a simple API to interact with events. It understands two kinds of events:

  • Those returning a value
  • Those returning nothing

Listening to a specific event is achieved as follows:

from modoboa.lib import events

def callback(*args):

events.register('event', callback)

You can also use the custom decorator events.observe:

def callback(*args):

event is the event’s name you want to listen to, callback is the function that will be called each time this event is raised. Each event impose to callbacks a specific prototype to respect. See below for a detailled list.

To stop listening to as specific event, you must use the unregister function:

events.unregister('event', callback)

The parameters are the same than those used with register.

To unregister all events declared by a specific extension, use the unregister_extension function:


name is the extension’s name but it is optional. Leave it empty to let the function guess the name.

Read further to get a complete list and description of all available events.

Supported events


Raised when a new account is automatically created (example: LDAP synchronization).

Callback prototype:

def callback(account): pass
  • account is the newly created account (User instance)


Raised when a new account is created.

Callback prototype:

def callback(account): pass
  • account is the newly created account (User instance)


Raised when an existing account is deleted.

Callback prototype:

def callback(account, byuser, **options): pass
  • account is the account that is going to be deleted
  • byuser is the adminstrator deleting account


Raised when an account is exported to CSV.

Callback prototype:

def callback(account): pass
  • account is the account being exported

Must return a list of values to include in the export.


Raised when an account is imported from CSV.

Callback prototype:

def callback(user, account, row): pass
  • user is the user importing the account
  • account is the account being imported
  • row is a list containing what remains from the CSV definition


Raised when an existing account is modified.

Callback prototype:

def callback(oldaccount, newaccount): pass
  • oldaccount is the account before it is modified
  • newaccount is the account after the modification


Raised when an admin menu is about to be displayed.

Callback prototype:

def callback(target, user): pass

The target argument indicates which menu is being displayed. Possible values are:

  • admin_menu_box : corresponds to the menu bar available inside administration pages
  • top_menu : corresponds to the top black bar

See UserMenuDisplay for a description of what callbacks that listen to this event must return.


Raised just before a user tries to create a new object.

Callback prototype:

def callback(user): pass
  • user is a User instance

Return True or False to indicate if this user can respectively create or not create a new Domain object.


Raised before the unicity of a domain name is checked. By default, modoboa prevents duplicate names between domains and domain aliases but extensions have the possibility to extend this rule using this event.

Callback prototype:

def callback(): pass

Must return a list of 2uple, each one containing a model class and an associated label.


When an account is being modified, this event lets extensions check if this account is concerned by a specific form.

Callback prototype:

def callback(account, form): pass
  • account is the User instance beeing modified
  • form is a dictionnary (same content as for ExtraAccountForm)

Callbacks listening to this event must return a list containing one Boolean.


Raised when a new domain alias is created.

Callback prototype:

def callback(user, domain_alias): pass
  • user is the new domain alias owner (User instance)
  • domain_alias is the new domain alias (DomainAlias instance)


Raised when an existing domain alias is about to be deleted.

Callback prototype:

def callback(domain_alias): pass
  • domain_alias is a DomainAlias instance


Raised when a new domain is created.

Callback prototype:

def callback(user, domain): pass
  • user corresponds to the User object creating the domain (its owner)
  • domain is a Domain instance


Raised when an existing domain is about to be deleted.

Callback prototype:

def callback(domain): pass
  • domain is a Domain instance


Raised when a domain has been modified.

Callback prototype:

def callback(domain): pass
  • domain is the modified Domain instance, it contains an extra oldname field which contains the old name


Raised before the ownership of a domain is removed from its original creator.

Callback prototype:

def callback(owner, domain): pass
  • owner is the original creator
  • domain is the Domain instance being modified


Raised just after an extension has been disabled.

Callback prototype:

def callback(extension): pass
  • extension is an Extension instance


Raised just after an extension has been activated.

Callback prototype:

def callback(extension): pass
  • extension is an Extension instance


Raised when the account list is displayed. Let developers define new actions to act on a specific user.

Callback prototype:

def callback(account): pass
  • account is the account being listed


Let extensions add new forms to the account edition form (the one with tabs).

Callback prototype:

def callback(user, account): pass
  • user is a User instance corresponding to the currently logged in user
  • account is the account beeing modified (User instance)

Callbacks listening to the event must return a list of dictionnaries, each one must contain at least three keys:

{"id" : "<the form's id>",
 "title" : "<the title used to present the form>",
 "cls" : TheFormClassName}


Let extensions add extra content into the admin panel.

Callback prototype:

def callback(user, target, currentpage): pass
  • user is a User instance corresponding to the currently logged in user
  • target is a string indicating the place where the content will be displayed. Possible values are : leftcol
  • currentpage is a string indicating which page (or section) is displayed. Possible values are : domains, identities

Callbacks listening to this event must return a list of string.


Raised to request extra entries to display inside the domains listing.

Callback prototype:

def callback(user, domfilter, searchquery, **extrafilters): pass
  • user is the User instance corresponding to the currently logged in user
  • domfilter is a string indicating which domain type the user needs
  • searchquery is a string containing a search query
  • extrafilters is a set of keyword arguments that may contain additional filters

Must return a valid QuerySet.


Raised to request extra filters for the domains listing page. For example, the postfix_relay_domains extension let users filter entries based on service types.

Callback prototype:

def callback(): pass

Must return a list of valid filter names (string).


Let extensions add new forms to the domain edition form (the one with tabs).

Callback prototype:

def callback(user, domain): pass
  • user is a User instance corresponding to the currently logged in user
  • domain is the domain beeing modified (Domain instance)

Callbacks listening to the event must return a list of dictionnaries, each one must contain at least three keys:

{"id" : "<the form's id>",
 "title" : "<the title used to present the form>",
 "cls" : TheFormClassName}


Raised to request extra help text to display inside the domain import form.

Callback prototype:

def callback(): pass

Must return a list a string.


Raised to request extra entries to include in the left menu of the domains listing page.

Callback prototype:

def callback(user): pass
  • user is the User instance corresponding to the currently logged in user

Must return a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary must contain at least three keys:

{"name": "<menu name>",
 "label": "<menu label>",
 "url": "<menu url>"}


Raised to request extra fields to include in a django form.

Callback prototype:

def callback(form_name, instance=None): pass
  • form_name is a string used to distinguish a specific form
  • instance is a django model instance related to form_name

Must return a list of 2uple, each one containing the following information:

('field name', <Django form field instance>)


Let extensions add new forms to the relay domain edition form (the one with tabs).

Callback prototype:

def callback(user, rdomain): pass
  • user is the User instance corresponding to the currently logged in user
  • rdomain is the relay domain being modified (RelayDomain instance)

Callbacks listening to the event must return a list of dictionnaries, each one must contain at least three keys:

{"id" : "<the form's id>",
 "title" : "<the title used to present the form>",
 "cls" : TheFormClassName}


When an account is beeing modified, this event is raised to fill extra forms.

Callback prototype:

def callback(user, account, instances): pass
  • user is a User instance corresponding to the currently logged in user
  • account is the User instance beeing modified
  • instances is a dictionnary where the callback will add information needed to fill a specific form


When a domain is beeing modified, this event is raised to fill extra forms.

Callback prototype:

def callback(user, domain, instances): pass
  • user is a User instance corresponding to the currently logged in user
  • domain is the Domain instance beeing modified
  • instances is a dictionnary where the callback will add information needed to fill a specific form


When a relay domain is being modified, this event is raised to fill extra forms.

Callback prototype:

def callback(user, rdomain, instances): pass
  • user is the User instance corresponding to the currently logged in user
  • rdomain is the RelayDomain instance being modified
  • instances is a dictionnary where the callback will add information needed to fill a specific form


Some places in the interface let plugins add their own announcement (ie. message).

Callback prototype:

def callback(target): pass
  • target is a string indicating the place where the announcement will appear:
  • loginpage : corresponds to the login page

Callbacks listening to this event must return a list of string.


Raised to request the list of actions available for the domains listing entry being displayed.

Callback prototype:

def callback(user, rdomain): pass
  • user is the User instance corresponding to the currently logged in user
  • rdomain is the RelayDomain instance being displayed

Must return a list of dictionaries, each dictionary containing at least the following entries:

{"name": "<action name>",
 "url": "<action url>",
 "title": "<action title>",
 "img": "<action icon>"}


Raised to request extra limit templates. For example, the postfix_relay_domains extension define a template to limit the number of relay domains an administrator can create.

Callback prototype:

def callback(): pass

Must return a list of set. Each set must contain at least three entries:

[('<limit_name>', '<limit label>', '<limit help text>')]


Raised to request extra parameters for a given parameters form.

Callback prototype:

def callback(application, level): pass
  • application is the name of the form’s application (ie. admin, amavis, etc.)
  • level is the form’s level: A for admin or U for user

Must return a dictionary. Each entry must be a valid Django form field.


Let extensions define new administrative roles.

Callback prototype:

def callback(user): pass
  • user is a User instance corresponding to the currently logged in user

Callbacks listening to this event must return a list of 2uple (two strings) which respect the following format: (value, label).


Let extensions add static content (ie. CSS or javascript) to default pages. It is pretty useful for functionalities that don’t need a template but need javascript stuff.

Callback prototype:

def callback(caller, st_type, user): pass
  • caller is name of the application (or the location) responsible for the call
  • st_type is the expected static content type (css or js)
  • user is a User instance corresponding to the currently logged in user

Callbacks listening to this event must return a list of string.


Raised to request the function handling an object being imported from CSV.

Callback prototype:

def callback(objtype): pass

objtype is the type of object being imported

Must return a list of function. A valid import function must respect the following prototype:

def import_function(user, row, formopts): pass
  • user is the User instance corresponding to the currently logged in user
  • row is a string containing the object’s definition (CSV format)
  • formopts is a dictionary that may contain options


Raised when a new mailbox alias is created.

Callback prototype:

def callback(user, mailbox_alias): pass
  • user is the new domain alias owner (User instance)
  • mailbox_alias is the new mailbox alias (Alias instance)


Raised when an existing mailbox alias is about to be deleted.

Callback prototype:

def callback(mailbox_alias): pass
  • mailbox_alias is an Alias instance


Raised when a new mailbox is created.

Callback prototype:

def callback(user, mailbox): pass
  • user is the new mailbox’s owner (User instance)
  • mailbox is the new mailbox (Mailbox instance)


Raised when an existing mailbox is about to be deleted.

Callback prototype:

def callback(mailbox): pass
  • mailbox is a Mailbox instance


Raised when an existing mailbox is modified.

Callback prototype:

def callback(mailbox): pass
  • mailbox is the Mailbox modified instance. It contains a old_full_address extra field to check if the address was modified.


Raised just before a password change action.

Callback prototype:

def callback(user): pass
  • user is a User instance

Callbacks listening to this event must return a list containing either True or False. If at least one True is returned, the password change will be cancelled (ie. changing the password for this user is disabled).


Lets extensions subscribe to the global notification service (located inside the top bar).

Callback prototype:

def callback(user, include_all): pass
  • request is a Request instance
  • include_all is a boolean indicating if empty notifications must be included into the result or not

Callbacks listening to this event must return a list of dictionary, each dictionary containing at least the following entries:

{"id": "<notification entry ID>",
 "url": "<associated URL>",
 "text": "<text to display>"}

If your notification needs a counter, you can specify it by adding the two following entries in the dictionary:

{“counter”: <associated counter>,
“level”: “<info|success|warning|error>”}


Raised when a user logs in.

Callback prototype:

def callback(request, username, password): pass


Raised when a user logs out.

Callback prototype:

def callback(request): pass


Raised when a user menu is about to be displayed.

Callback prototype:

def callback(target, user): pass

The target argument indicates which menu is being displayed. Possible values are:

  • options_menu: corresponds to the top-right user menu
  • uprefs_menu: corresponds to the menu bar available inside the User preferences page
  • top_menu: corresponds to the top black bar

All the callbacks that listen to this event must return a list of dictionnaries (corresponding to menu entries). Each dictionnary must contain at least the following keys:

{"name" : "a_name_without_spaces",
 "label" : _("The menu label"),
 "url" : reverse("your_view")}


Raised when a new relay domain alias is created.

Callback prototype:

def callback(user, rdomain_alias): pass
  • user is the new relay domain alias owner (User instance)
  • rdomain_alias is the new relay domain alias (DomainAlias instance)


Raised when an existing relay domain alias is about to be deleted.

Callback prototype:

def callback(rdomain_alias): pass
  • rdomain_alias is a RelayDomainAlias instance


Raised when a new relay domain is created.

Callback prototype:

def callback(user, rdomain): pass
  • user corresponds to the User object creating the relay domain (its owner)
  • rdomain is a RelayDomain instance


Raised when an existing relay domain is about to be deleted.

Callback prototype:

def callback(rdomain): pass
  • rdomain is a RelayDomain instance


Raised when a relay domain has been modified.

Callback prototype:

def callback(rdomain): pass
  • rdomain is the modified RelayDomain instance, it contains an

    extra oldname field which contains the old name


Raised when the role of an account is about to be changed.

Callback prototype:

def callback(account, role): pass
  • account is the account being modified
  • role is the new role (string)


Raised to save extra fields declared using ExtraFormFields.

Callback prototype:

def callback(form_name, instance, values): pass
  • form_name is a string used to distinguish a specific form
  • instance is a django model instance related to form_name
  • values is a dictionary containing the form’s values


Raised to check if a user is allowed to set a given role to an account.

Callback prototype:

def callback(account, role): pass
  • user is the User instance corresponding to the currently logged in user
  • role is the role user tries to set

Must return a list containing True or False to indicate if this user can is allowed to set role.