Migrating from other software


Modoboa provides a simple script to migrate an existing PostfixAdmin (version 2.3.3+) database to a Modoboa one.


This script is only suitable for a new installation.

First, you must follow the Installation step to create a fresh Modoboa database.

Once done, edit the settings.py file. First, add a new database connection named pfxadmin into the DATABASES variable corresponding to your PostfixAdmin setup:

    "default" : {
        # default connection definition
    "pfxadmin" : {
        "ENGINE" : "<engine>",
        "NAME" : "<database name>",
        "USER" : "<database user>",
        "PASSWORD" : "<user password>",

This connection should correspond to the one defined in PostfixAdmin’s configuration file.

Then, uncomment the line containing 'modoboa.tools.pfxadmin_migrate' inside the MODOBOA_APPS variable and save your changes.

You are now ready to start the migration so run the following commands:

$ cd <modoboa_site>
$ python manage.py migrate_from_postfixadmin -r -p <directory that stores mailboxes>

Depending on how many domains/mailboxes your existing setup contains, the migration can be long. Just wait for the script’s ending.


The rename operation is not synchronous. If you choose this option, you must enable Handle mailboxes on filesystem option. See Operations on the file system.

The procedure is over, edit the settings.py file and:

  • remove the pfxadmin database connection from the DATABASES variable
  • remove the 'modoboa.tools.pfxadmin_migrate', from the INSTALLED_APPS variable

You should be able to connect to Modoboa using the same credentials you were using to connect to PostfixAdmin.