Adding a new plugin


Modoboa offers a plugin API to expand its capabilities. The current implementation provides the following possibilities:

  • Expand navigation by adding entry points to your plugin inside the GUI
  • Access and modify administrative objects (domains, mailboxes, etc.)
  • Register callback actions for specific events

Plugins are nothing more than Django applications with an extra piece of code that integrates them into Modoboa. Usually, the file will contain a complete description of the plugin:

  • Admin and user parameters
  • Observed events
  • Custom menu entries

The communication between both applications is provided by Available events. Modoboa offers some kind of hooks to let plugin add custom actions.

The following subsections describe plugin architecture and explain how you can create your own plugin.

The required glue

To create a new plugin, just start a new django application like this (into Modoboa’s directory):

$ python startapp

Then, you need to register this application using the provided API. Just copy/paste the following example into the file of the future extension:

from modoboa.extensions import ModoExtension, exts_pool

class MyExtension(ModoExtension):
    name = "myext"
    label = "My Extension"
    version = "0.1"
    description = "A description"
    url = "myext_root_location" # optional, name is used if not defined

    def init(self):
        """This method is called when the extension is activated.

    def load(self):
        """This method is called when Modoboa loads available and activated plugins.

        Declare parameters and register events here.

    def destroy(self):
        """This function is called when a plugin is disabled from the interface.

        Unregister parameters and events here.


Once done, simply add your plugin’s module name to the INSTALLED_APPS variable located inside Optionaly, run python syncdb if your plugin provides custom tables and python collectstatic to update static files.


A plugin can declare its own parameters. There are two levels available:

  • ‘Administration’ parameters : used to configure the plugin, editable inside the Admin > Settings > Parameters page,
  • ‘User’ parameters : per-user parameters (or preferences), editable inside the Options > Preferences page.

Playing with parameters

To declare a new administration parameter, use the following function:

from modoboa.lib import parameters

parameters.register_admin(name, **kwargs)

To declare a new user parameter, use the following function:

parameter.register_user(name, **kwargs)

Both functions accept extra arguments listed here:

  • type : parameter’s type, possible values are : int, string, list, list_yesno,
  • deflt : default value,
  • help : help text,
  • values : list of possible values if type is list.

To undeclare parameters (for example when a plugin is disabled is disabled from the interface), use the following function:


appname corresponds to your plugin’s name, ie. the name of the directory containing the source code.

Custom administrative roles

Modoboa uses Django’s internal permission system. Administrative roles are nothing more than groups (Group instances).

If an extension needs to add new roles, it needs to follow those steps:

  1. Create a new Group instance. It can be done by providing fixtures or by creating it into the extension init function
  2. A a new listener for the GetExtraRoles event that will return the group’s name
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